dom = (document.getElementById) ? true : false; ns5 = ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko")>-1) && dom) ? true: false; ie5 = ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>-1) && dom) ? true : false; ns4 = (document.layers && !dom) ? true : false; ie4 = (document.all && !dom) ? true : false; nodyn = (!ns5 && !ns4 && !ie4 && !ie5) ? true : false; var origWidth, origHeight; if (ns4) { origWidth = window.innerWidth; origHeight = window.innerHeight; } // reload or reposition on resize function reDo() { if (ns4) { if (window.innerWidth != origWidth || window.innerHeight != origHeight) window.location.reload(); } else setTimeout("rePosition()",200); } window.onresize = reDo; function rePosition() { positionBotmRt('skipDiv'); if (typeof wipeLyr1!="undefined") wipeLyr1.centerIn(window); //if (typeof wipeLyr2!="undefined") wipeLyr2.centerIn(window); } // for positioning "skip intro" link-layer function positionBotmRt(lyr) { var lyrcss = (ns4)? document.layers[lyr]: (ie4)? document.all[lyr].style: (ie5|ns5)? document.getElementById(lyr).style: null; var winWd=(ie4||ie5)? document.body.clientWidth: window.innerWidth; var winHt=(ie4||ie5)? document.body.clientHeight: window.innerHeight; var x=winWd-getWidth(lyrcss,'skipLnk')-16; var y=winHt-getHeight(lyrcss,'skipLnk')-16; lyrcss.left=(ns4)? x: x+"px"; y: y+"px"; lyrcss.visibility = "visible"; } var wipe_count=0; // to keep track function doWipes() { if (wipe_count'; with (wipeLyr1) { hide(); // restore, for ns4, or new content is visible... clipTo(0,wipeLyr1.width,wipeLyr1.height,0); writeLyr(cntnt); width=getWidth(wipeLyr1.el,'w1'); height=getHeight(wipeLyr1.el,'w1'); centerIn(window); } // args: which wipe, delay, wipeTime, what next wipeLyr1.wipe("in right", wipe_in_delay,wipe_array[wipe_count+1],"wipeOuts()"); } else { // wipes in image, then sends to destination url //wipeLyr2.wipe("in center", wipe_in_logo_delay,wipe_in_logo,"setTimeout('setDest()',dest_delay)"); setTimeout('setDest()',dest_delay); } } function wipeOuts() { wipeLyr1.wipe("out middle", wipe_out_delay,wipe_array[wipe_count+1]/wipe_out_dv,"doWipes()"); wipe_count+=2; } // end of wipe-splash code ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // beginning of wipes.js proper // constructor function dynObj(obj) { this.el = (ns4)? getLyrRef(obj,document): (ie4)? document.all[obj]: (ie5||ns5)? document.getElementById(obj): null; this.css = (ns4)? this.el: (ie4||ie5||ns5)? null; this.doc = (ns4)? this.el.document: this.el; this.x = (ns4)? this.css.left: parseInt(this.css.left); this.y = (ns4)? parseInt(; this.width = (ns4)? this.el.clip.width: (this.css.width)? parseInt(this.css.width): this.el.offsetWidth; this.height = (ns4)? this.el.clip.height: (this.css.height)? parseInt(this.css.height): this.el.offsetHeight; this.obj = obj + "dynObj"; eval(this.obj + "=this"); } // args: which wipe, delay, wipeTime, what next (fn) dynObj.prototype.wipe=function(which,delay,wipeTime,fn) { this.wipeTime=wipeTime; this.fn=fn; switch (which) { // wipe into view by expanding to the right case "in right" : this.clipTo(0,0,this.height,0);; setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_in_rt()",delay); break; // wipe into view by expanding from the center out case "in center" : this.vCenter = Math.ceil(this.height/2); this.hCenter = Math.ceil(this.width/2); this.clipTo(this.vCenter, this.hCenter,this.vCenter,this.hCenter);; setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_in_center()",delay); break; // wipe into view from upper left corner to lower right case "in corner" : this.clipTo(0,0,0,0);; setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_in_corner()",delay); break; // wipe out of view by contracting to the center case "out center" : this.vCenter = Math.ceil(this.height/2); this.hCenter = Math.ceil(this.width/2); setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_out_center()",delay); break; // wipe out of view by contracting to the left case "out left" : setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_out_left()",delay); break; // wipe out of view by contracting to the right case "out right" : setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_out_right()",delay); break; // wipe out of view by contracting from left and right case "out middle" : this.dest=Math.ceil(this.width/2); setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_out_mid()",delay); break; // wipe out of view from the upper left to lower right case "out corner" : setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_out_corner()",delay); break; default: alert("Oops! Check choices again."); } this.wipeStart = new Date().getTime()+delay; this.per = Math.PI/(2*this.wipeTime); } // wipe into view by expanding to the right dynObj.prototype.wipe_in_rt=function() { var clipVal = this.getClipValues(); var elapsed = (new Date().getTime())-this.wipeStart; if (elapsed 0) if ((theLyr = getLyrRef(lyr,theLyr.document)) != null) return theLyr; } return null; } }